Confused by Medicare?
Our specialty and passion is Medicare.
Braden Medicare Insurance is an Independent Medicare Broker licensed in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Indiana, Iowa, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Wisconsin.
We are contracted with the best, highest-rated, financially sound Medicare Insurance companies in the United States.
Speak to a friendly agent today!
Quick Facts About Medicare
Medicare is the National Health Care plan for all Americans over 65.
Medicare is not free. Medicare Part A, which pays for hospital in-patient costs, is what we pay through Medicare and Social Security taxes during our careers.
You enroll in Medicare through the Social Security Administration.
Medicare Part A covers inpatient hospital stays.
Medicare Part B covers all your Outpatient services, including Imaging, Lab Tests, Bloodwork, Preventative Screenings, and Medical Equipment. Everyone who has Medicare has to be enrolled in both Medicare Part A & Medicare Part B.
Medicare Part C is the part of Medicare more commonly referred to as Medicare Advantage. Private, for-profit insurance companies offer Medicare Advantage plans; believe it or not, over 4,000 Part C plans are available across the United States. However, your zip code determines what plans are available in your area.
Medicare Part D is the part of Medicare that covers your prescription medications.
Everyone is eligible for Medicare when they turn 65. However, if you are still working, you can keep your current Employer coverage and enroll in Medicare later without any penalties.
EVERYONE who enrolls in Medicare must enroll in Medicare Part B. While Medicare Part A is free for 99% of people, everyone must pay the monthly premium of $174.70 for Medicare Part B.
Three Ways To Participate
Original Medicare which is a traditional 80/20 Health Plan where the government pays 80% and you pay 20%.
There are no networks with Original Medicare.
You can see any Doctor and go to any hospital in America that accepts Medicare.
Original Medicare with a Medicare Supplement Plan.
A Medicare Supplement /Medigap Plan F, Plan G, and Plan N will pay for all of your 20% share that is not covered by the Government.
Both the Mayo Clinic and Barrow Neurological Center in Phoenix accept Original Medicare, but they do not accept any Medicare Advantage plans.
Medicare Part C or Medicare Advantage. This is insurance that are typically HMO or PPO plan types.
They are offered by private insurance companies, and it is not part of the United States government like Original Medicare is.
These Plans have Networks you have to use, most of the HMO plans include Prescription Drug Coverage, but most of the PPO plans do not.
You are responsible for paying Co-Pays and Co-Insurance.
Each plan has a Maximum Out-Of-Pocket Expense or MOOP that ranges from $2,800 - $7,500. MA/MAPD plans will only pay for everything once you reach your MOOP.
Plus, you have to choose a new plan every year. If you are considering an Advantage plan, please take the time to read and re-read both the Summary Of Benefits and the Explanation Of Benefits sections for every Medicare plan you are considering.
Our Process
When you work with Braden Medicare Insurance, you're not just getting a quote or help with one individual policy, you're getting a friend for life who will always be committed to putting your needs first and someone whom you and your family can count on and trust to look out for you and your best interests and help you in any way we can.
Give us a call and we can help you understand your Medicare options.
We can assist you in getting enrolled in Medicare.
Our clients benefit from more choices because we offer more plans from more highly rated insurance companies.
We treat clients like friends and we have always treated friends like family!
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